Mitsuhiro Shoji / 小路 光博


Photographer Mitsuhiro Koji was born in Ishikawa in 1967. She moved to the USA in 1994 to study and worked mainly in New York until she returned home. The black-and-white gelatine silver prints show the people Koji encountered in the city and the landscape of the time as it really was.


1967 Born in Ishikawa
1994 Moved to the U.S. and stayed in New York
1998 B.F.A. Photography, Queensborough Community College, New York City
1999 Completed Photojournalism Program, International Center of Photography, New York

[Selected Exhibitions]
「2人展-Two-persons Exhibition-」[Where Paris’ simmering space meets NY’s glimmering moment]Exhibit・a Gallery(New York)(with Shako Kimura,painter)

「New York」(SH GALLERY/Tokyo, Japan)

Gallery H.O.T. Osaka [Collection (excerpts)] (Kiyosato Photo Art Museum) (1999, 2000)

And many others