「絵画とは常にその時代を表すもの。今の時代をどの様に表現できるのかを制作を通して模索しています。」-Cocoro Nakaura
Cocoro Nakauraは、美大へ通う通学の中で車窓の景色を見るよりもスマホの画面を見ている時間が多くなっている自分に気づき、大量に流出される出所不明の画像をポップアートに置き換えたと言う。かつての大量生産、大量消費時代に日用品を作品として昇華させたポップアート。
The theme of the production is “Pop Art in the Digital Age.
“A painting is always a representation of the times. I am searching for how I can express the current era through my artwork.”-Cocoro Nakaura
Cocoro Nakaura says that he found himself spending more time looking at his smartphone screen than looking at the view from the window of his ride to and from art school, so he decided to replace the large number of leaked images of unknown origin with pop art.
Pop art sublimated everyday items into works of art in the former era of mass production and mass consumption.
The artist seeks to replace them with images that are mass-produced in this day and age, and to find a way to make them into pop art of today.

[Selected Exhibitions]
「EXHIBITION “Z”」Group Exhibition Cocoro Nakaura, Machi Sugita & Yuuki Nitta (SH GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan)
「own influence」(GINZA SIX Artglorieux gallery /Tokyo, Japan)
「solo spread」(Light house gallery Ryo-goku/Tokyo, Japan)
「SS(screen scenery)」Solo Exhibition (GINZA SIX Artglorieux gallery/Tokyo, Japan)
「ZOKEI Exhibition」Nomination Award, ZOKEI Award