Group Exhibition ” Z “

Group Exhibition
” Z “
11.11 (Sat.) – 11.25 (Sat.) 2023
12:00 – 19:00 (closed on Mon.)
Reception : 11.10 (Fri.) 17:00 – 19:00
この度 SH GALLERY では、Cocoro Nakaura、Machi Sugita、Yuuki NittaによるExhibition ” Z ” 展を開催いたします。
────── なぜ、”Z”なのか。
また、”Z”は,,X,,Yに続き、未知という意味あり、三人への未知の可能性を込めている ────── 。
「デジタル時代におけるポップアート」をテーマにするCocoro Nakaura、光やネオンを固有のモチーフとし社会問題を説くMachi Sugita、インターネットにあふれるイメージ等をモチーフとし、自虐的かつポップに再構築するYuuki Nittaの総勢3名の展示となります。
今を担うZ世代が秘める未知の可能性をSH GALLERYにて是非お楽しみくださいませ。
Cocoro Nakaura
Machi Sugita
Yuuki Nitta
SH GALLERY is pleased to announce the exhibition ” Z ” by Cocoro Nakaura, Machi Sugita and Yuuki Nitta.
────── why “Z”?
The artists participating in this exhibition are born between 1998 and 2001, and are extremely talented artists of the “Z” generation, who are the leaders of the current era.
The “Z” follows the letters,,X,,Y, and means unknown, and the exhibition is meant to express the unknown possibilities for the three artists. ──────
Cocoro Nakaura, whose theme is “Pop Art in the Digital Age,” Machi Sugita, who uses light and neon as a unique motif to explain social issues, and Yuki Nitta, who uses images from the Internet as a motif and reconstructs them in a self-deprecating, pop-art style.
Please come to SH GALLERY and experience the unknown possibilities of the Z generation, the leaders of now.
We look forward to seeing you at our exhibition.
Cocoro Nakaura
Machi Sugita
Yuuki Nitta
Cocoro Nakaura
––––– 絵画とは常にその時代を表すもの。今の時代をどの様に表現できるのかを制作を通して模索しています––––––
Cocoro Nakauraは、美大へ通う通学の中で車窓の景色を見るよりもスマホの画面を見ている時間が多くなっている自分に気づき、大量に流出される出所不明の画像をポップアートに置き換えたと言う。かつての大量生産、大量消費時代に日用品を作品として昇華させたポップアート。それを今の時代に大量生産されている画像に置き換え現代のポップアートとしての在り方を模索している。
個展では「own influence」solo exhibition GINZA SIX Artglorieux gallery of tokyo 2022「 solo spread 」 (solo exhibition light house gallery 両国) 「アートフェアTokyo2023」(gallery of tokyo) 「 SS 」 (screen scenery) Solo Exhibition GINZA SIX Artglorieux gallery of tokyo 他数多く出展している。
The theme of the production is “Pop Art in the Digital Age.
—– A painting is always a representation of the times. I am searching for how I can express the current era through my artwork. ——
Cocoro Nakaura says that he found himself spending more time looking at his smartphone screen than looking at the view from the window of his ride to and from art school, so he decided to replace the large number of leaked images of unknown origin with pop art.Pop art sublimated everyday items into works of art in the former era of mass production and mass consumption.The artist seeks to replace them with images that are mass-produced in this day and age, and to find a way to make them into pop art of today.
ZOKEI Exhibition” Nomination Award
ZOKEI Exhibition” ZOKEI Award, etc.
His solo exhibitions include “own influence” solo exhibition GINZA SIX Artglorieux gallery of tokyo 2022 “solo spread” (solo exhibition light house gallery Ryogoku) “Art Fair Tokyo 2023” (gallery of tokyo) “SS” (screen scenery) Solo Exhibition GINZA SIX Artglorieux gallery of tokyo and many others.
Machi Sugita
2022年「First Light」(ARTDYNE)
2023年「Dignity and Light」(Contemporary tokyo)
2023年「We can’t all become one」(ARTDYNE)
2022年「Aritificial Phenomenon」(Centurion Lounge,Regent Hotel,Taipei)
2022年 「nine colors XVI」(西武渋谷店)
2022年「ブルーピリオド展-BLUE ART COLLABORATION-」(寺田倉庫G1ビル)
2022年「阪急うめだnine colors」(阪急うめだ)
2023年「nine colors XVII」(西武渋谷店)
2023年「grid2」(biscuit gallery ) 等
「WATOWA ART AWARD2022 」準グランプリ受賞
Using the “light” created by human beings, neon lights and city lights as unique motifs, she creates works that contain discourses and warnings on human rights, ethnic groups, and social issues.
2000 Born in Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
2020 Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design, Junior College of Art and Design, Fine Arts Course.
2022 Graduated from the same university as a research student
Solo Exhibition
2022 “First Light”(ARTDYNE)
2023 “Dignity and Light” (Contemporary tokyo)
2023 “We can’t all become one” (ARTDYNE)
【Group Exhibition】
2022 “Aritificial Phenomenon” (Centurion Lounge, Regent Hotel, Taipei)
2022 “nine colors XVI” (Seibu Shibuya)
2022 “Blue Period Exhibition -BLUE ART COLLABORATION-” (Terada Warehouse G1 Building)
2022 “Hankyu Umeda nine colors” (Hankyu Umeda)
2023 “nine colors XVII” (Seibu Shibuya)
2023 “grid2” (biscuit gallery), etc.
2019 Graduation Works Exhibition, Women’s Junior College of Art and Design Awarded the Graduation Work Prize
The 7th “Future Exhibition” Second Grand Prix and Special Prize
The 8th “Future Exhibition” Special Prize
WATOWA ART AWARD2022″ Second Prize
Yuuki Nitta
Yuuki Nittaは、渋谷系やY2Kなどの2000年前後に流行したスタイルと、現代のデジタル社会の感覚とを照らし合わせ、「新鮮な景色」を探求している。
「日本大学芸術学部 絵画専攻卒業生選抜展」
「東京エゴイズム」 豊島区立 熊谷守一美術館
Yuuki Nitta explores ” Fresh Views” by comparing styles that were popular around 2000, such as Shibuya-kei and Y2K, with the sensibilities of today’s digital society.He mainly uses young people, self-portraits, and images from the Internet as motifs, and reconstructs them in a self-deprecating, pop-like way.By drawing everything from meaningless objects to those containing social issues as if they were advertisements, he views his work as a record of the present day, and continues to work toward a vacuum of meaning in which concepts and positions neither “exist” or “do not “exist”.
In addition to his activities as an artist, he is also active as a member of the music band “kyamie”. He is active in many fields, making use of his talents.
2023 Graduated from Nihon University, College of Art, Department of Fine Arts.
“Art Olympia”
Exhibition of Selected Graduates of Painting, Nihon University College of Art, Tokyo, Japan.
“Tokyo Egoism”, Kumagai Moriichi Museum of Art, Toshima, Tokyo, Japan
東京都渋谷区神宮前3-20-9 WAVEビル3F
3F, 3Chome−20−9 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
TEL : 03-6278-7970
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